
Jitter transfer function

Jitter transfer function
  1. What is jitter transfer function?
  2. What is the unit of jitter?
  3. What is jitter tolerance?
  4. Does jitter change with frequency?

What is jitter transfer function?

The jitter transfer function gives the amount of jitter attenuation that will occur at a particular offset frequency. It is strongly affected by the loop bandwidth of the PLL, which is strongly affected by the PLL's low-pass loop filter. Accordingly, a PLL's response to jitter can be characterized as low-pass.

What is the unit of jitter?

The units of jitter measurement are picoseconds peak-to-peak (ps p-p), rms, and percent of the unit interval (UI). The p-p measurement states the maximum to minimum amount of time deviation, usually in picoseconds.

What is jitter tolerance?

As specified in previous ITU-T PON systems, the jitter tolerance is defined as the peak-to-peak amplitude of sinusoidal jitter applied on the input of 50G-PON signal that causes a 1-dB optical power penalty at the optical equipment.

Does jitter change with frequency?

Jitter and frequency modulation both involve a change in the frequency of an underlying signal. It's worth investigating how the two phenomenon differ. Jitter is usually defined as an undesired deviation in timing of a signal from its original periodicity.

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