
Morse wavelet matlab

Morse wavelet matlab
  1. What is Morse wavelet?
  2. How to use DWT in Matlab?
  3. How does Matlab calculate wavelet transform?

What is Morse wavelet?

Generalized Morse wavelets are a family of exactly analytic wavelets. Analytic wavelets are complex-valued wavelets whose Fourier transforms are supported only on the positive real axis. They are useful for analyzing modulated signals, which are signals with time-varying amplitude and frequency.

How to use DWT in Matlab?

[ cA , cD ] = dwt( x , wname ) returns the single-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of the vector x using the wavelet specified by wname . The wavelet must be recognized by wavemngr . dwt returns the approximation coefficients vector cA and detail coefficients vector cD of the DWT.

How does Matlab calculate wavelet transform?

wt = cwt( x , wname ) uses the analytic wavelet specified by wname to compute the CWT. [ wt , f ] = cwt(___, fs ) specifies the sampling frequency, fs , in hertz, and returns the scale-to-frequency conversions f in hertz. If you do not specify a sampling frequency, cwt returns f in cycles per sample.

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