
Recursive and non recursive system

Recursive and non recursive system

A recursive system is a system in which current output depends on previous output(s) and input(s) but in non-recursive system current output does not depend on previous output(s).

  1. What is a non recursive system?
  2. What is the difference between recursive and non recursive filters?
  3. What do you mean by recursive system?
  4. Which one is an example of a non recursive system?

What is a non recursive system?

Non-Recursive discrete-time system: If y(n) depends only on the present and past input, it is called non-recursive. It does not exhibit the necessity of any feedback.

What is the difference between recursive and non recursive filters?

In mathematics, a nonrecursive filter only uses input values like x[n − 1], unlike recursive filter where it uses previous output values like y[n − 1].

What do you mean by recursive system?

In computer science, 'recursion' refers to a strategy where the solution to a problem can be solved using solutions to smaller versions of the same problem. In computer programming, such systems are defined using 'recursive functions' which are basically functions that can call themselves.

Which one is an example of a non recursive system?

For an FIR system the output of the system must be depending only on the present and past values of the input. So, FIR system is not an recursive system.

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