
What is word root in chemistry

What is word root in chemistry

Solution : Root words is the basic unit which describes the carbon skeleton. It gives the number of carbon atoms present in the present chain of the compound and the pattern of their arrangement.

  1. What is root word in chemistry class 11?
  2. What is word root chemistry class 10?
  3. What is suffix in chemistry?
  4. What are the 10 prefixes in chemistry?

What is root word in chemistry class 11?

Word root is the basic unit of name, and represents the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain. Parent chain is selected as per the longest chain rule. Parent chain is the longest continuous chain of C-atoms including functional group and multiple bonds, if any. General word root for any carbon chain is alk.

What is word root chemistry class 10?

According to the IUPAC system of nomenclature, the name of an organic compound consists of a root word, a suffix and a prefix. Root Word: The root word indicates the number of carbon atoms in the basic skeleton. Root word in the above system is 'Pent' (as it contains five carbon atoms).

What is suffix in chemistry?

A suffix represents the functional groups of the compound. Some examples of functional groups are Alcohol, Aldehyde, Carboxylic acid or Carboxyl functional group, etc.

What are the 10 prefixes in chemistry?

Numeric prefixes (mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca)

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