
Folding frequency in sampling

Folding frequency in sampling

(Also called Nyquist frequency.) The highest frequency that can be measured using discretely sampled data. It is given by nf (rad s-1) = π/Δt, where nf is the Nyquist frequency and t is the time increment between observations.

  1. What is the sampling frequency and the folding frequency?
  2. What is folding in sampling?
  3. What is folding and aliasing?
  4. What is folding of a signal?

What is the sampling frequency and the folding frequency?

The fixed time interval between two samples is the sampling period, and the reciprocal the sampling period is the sampling rate. The half of sampling rate is the folding frequency (Nyquist limit).

What is folding in sampling?

In signal processing, the Nyquist frequency (or folding frequency), named after Harry Nyquist, is a characteristic of a sampler, which converts a continuous function or signal into a discrete sequence. In units of Hz (cycles per second), its value is one-half of the sampling rate (samples per second).

What is folding and aliasing?

Spectral Aliasing (Figure 1) and Folding (Figure 2) are phenomena in which NMR peaks occur at frequencies that are different from their real frequencies. Such peaks are called folded or aliased peaks, depending on the applied method of data acquisition.

What is folding of a signal?

The time reversal or folding of a signal is also called as the reflection of the signal about the time origin (or t = 0). Time reversal of a signal is a useful operation on signals in convolution.

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