
What is millimeter wave technology

What is millimeter wave technology

Millimeter waves are also known as extremely high frequency (EHF). It's a radio frequency that would allow transmission frequencies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, compared to 5 GHz frequencies used by previous mobile devices.

  1. What is millimeter wave technology used for?
  2. What is meant by millimeter wave?
  3. Why 5G is called mmWave?
  4. What is mmWave and do I need it?

What is millimeter wave technology used for?

Millimeter-wave (mmW) frequencies (30–300 GHz) are being used for many applications in the modern world. These applications include,but not are limited to, radio astronomy, remote sensing, automotive radars, military applications, imaging, security screening, and telecommunications.

What is meant by millimeter wave?

Millimeter wave (MM wave), also known as millimeter band, is the band of spectrum with wavelengths between 10 millimeters (30 GHz) and 1 millimeter (300 GHz). It is also known as the extremely high frequency (EHF) band by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Why 5G is called mmWave?

These high-frequency bands are often referred to as “mmWave” due to the short wavelengths that can be measured in millimeters. Although the mmWave bands extend all the way up 300 GHz, it is the bands from 24 GHz up to 100 GHz that are expected to be used for 5G.

What is mmWave and do I need it?

mmWave refers to higher frequency radio bands ranging from 24GHz to 40GHz, and Sub-6GHz refers to mid and low-frequency bands under 6GHz. Low-frequency bands are under 1GHz, while mid-bands range from 3.4GHz to 6GHz and are not considered "mmWave." mmWave 5G networks are ultra-fast, but they're also ultra-short range.

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